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Save On Credit Card Processing Fees: Offer Your Customers ACH

If you’ve been thinking about charging a convenience fee when customers use credit cards, but have been hesitant due to concerns around pushback, we have some good news. You can now offer ACH/e-check as a free alternative to your customers.  

Streamlined payments and other benefits

With Guardian/ISN’s Integrated ACH payment feature, home inspectors can streamline e-check payments and potentially eliminate credit card processing fees.

The benefits of this integrated e-check solution include:

  • The ability to control the credit card fee: Set your own additional fee for credit card transactions, letting customers choose the cheaper option (paying with an e-check for free).
  • Frictionless payments: One-time customer information input keeps things smooth for everyone.
  • Fast processing: Inspection marked as paid and report released, just like with credit cards.
  • No more “convenience fee” friction: Avoid potential customer pushback by offering a free alternative.

The ACH/e-check feature is completely seamless for both you and your customer. All that is required is for the customer to input their information once, and the process is complete. ISN will automatically mark the inspection as paid and release the report just like a credit card transaction.

How much does it cost?

An ACH account with Guardian is $20 per month and $2.25 per transaction. If more than one inspection per month is paid with ACH you will typically break even.

Do I still have credit card processing fees?

Yes but remember, if you are using ISN’s Convenience Fee tool, you can add an additional fee or percentage increase (you control the amount) for credit card transactions to cover your monthly processing fees, potentially taking your monthly credit card fees to $0.00.

How do I know if the ACH transaction is good?

ISN is dialing into a system that verifies the account number and that the routing numbers are valid. It takes 3-5 business days for funds to reach your account.

Important! Check your dashboard regularly

Similar to when you deposit a physical check, the bank will accept the check and deposit the money into your account, but you won’t get notified of insufficient funds for several days. ACH works the same. It’s important to check the CardPointe dashboard regularly to find out if any past transactions were “returned” (this is the term it uses for rejected transactions).

Activate ACH Payment Integration

To activate the ACH Payment Integration in ISN, please visit this link or contact Guardian at 1-800-608-7363.